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Galois Group: Constitution and Bylaws

Approved on May 3rd, 2022.

The Galois Group is the official organization of the graduate students of the U.C. Davis Mathematics Department.

  1. All graduate students in mathematics at UCD are automatically members of the Galois Group.

  2. Officers shall consist of:
    • One (1) President,
    • One (1) Vice-President,
    • One (1) Treasurer,
    • One (1) Graduate Program Committee Representative,
    • Several Graduate Student Assembly (GSA) Representatives, the number being determined by the GSA
    • One (1) Undergraduate Curriculum Program Committee Representative
    • One (1) Graduate Group in Applied Math Representative
    • Such temporary appointments as the President shall make, the duration of said appointments not to exceed the President's term of office.

  3. Officers other than the Presidential appointees are elected to terms of one year. Elections are conducted by mail ballot during the Spring Quarter and may be held at any time except the first week of classes and finals' week.

  4. The President must announce the election at least one week beforehand and request nominations for officers. Nominations may be submitted to the President in writing until the day before the election, and may be submitted verbally at any meeting called during this nomination period.

  5. Voting Method: Voting is conducted following the Borda count method, as detailed here:

    Suppose there are N candidates for a position with K vacancies. Voters shall rank candidates, assigning no two the same rank for a given position.

    After all votes are collected, the score tabulators will assign N points to each top ranked candidate, N-1 points to each second ranked candidate, etc. The K candidates with the most points will be elected to the K open positions.

    If a tie makes it impossible to determine the top K candidates, the candidate with the lowest point total will be erased from ALL voters' rankings and the the tabulation/election method repeated. If necessary, the elimination and tabulation process may be repeated until the top K candidates can be distinguished .

  6. Qualifications and Duties of Officers:
    • The President is responsible for the conduct of the meetings and elections. The President fills, by appointment, any vacancies in the offices of the Galois Group or any new position which may arise.
    • The Vice-President/Treasurer is responsible for distributing and managing Galois Group funds and assisting the President.
    • By invitation of the Department, the Graduate Program Committee Representative serves on the Graduate Program Committee. The GPC Representative provides the GPC with the views of the Department's graduate students and informs the graduate students of such proceedings of the GPC as the GPC may direct or permit. The GPC representative, along with the GGAM Representative, will organize the Qualifying Examination Preparation Workshop once per academic term, unless there is insufficient demand.
    • The Graduate Group in Applied Mathematics Representative will represent the views of the Applied Math students and act as a liaison between applied math students and GGAM members. The GGAM representative, along with the GPC Representative, will organize the Qualifying Examination Preparation Workshop once per academic term, unless there is insufficient demand.
    • The Graduate Student Assembly Representatives attend meetings of the Graduate Student Assembly on behalf of the members of the Galois Group. The GSA Representatives represent the views of the Group and reports to the Group on the proceedings of the GSA.
    • The Undergraduate Program Committee Representative attends the meetings of the Undergraduate Program Committee by invitation of the Department. The UPC Representative represents the views of the Group and reports to the Group on the proceedings of the UPC.

  7. Meetings: The President may call a meeting at any time. At the request of five members, the President must call a meeting within one week. Meetings must be announced by the delivery of a notice to each member's mailbox or e-mail address. A quorum shall consist of five members. Decisions of the meeting are made by majority vote. Each member has one vote, except that the President may break ties. Members may cast votes on behalf of absent members if they exhibit the absentee's written proxies, as long as the item being voted upon has been announced one week in advance of the meeting by delivery to each member's mailbox or e-mail address.

  8. Mail Ballots: The President may call a mail ballot at any time. Any issue must be submitted to a vote by mail ballot within one week of a request by five members. A ballot must be delivered to each member's department mailbox or to the graduate student mailing list and each member must be permitted at least three working days to respond to the ballot. The results of a mail ballot take precedence over Presidential rulings and decisions of Group meetings.

  9. Recall of Officers: An elected officer may be recalled by a two-third majority of votes cast in a mail ballot. An appointed officer may be recalled by a simple majority of votes cast.

  10. Should the office of President fall vacant, the Vice-President/Treasurer becomes President. If the office of Vice-President/Treasurer is also vacant, special elections to fill all vacancies may be conducted by an ad hoc committee of five members.

  11. This constitution may be amended only by a two-thirds majority of votes cast in a mail ballot.

  12. Fund distributions over $20 require a two-thirds majority of votes cast either in a mail ballot or during a meeting.

(based upon constitution Adopted 02/16/78)

constitution.1652471715.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/05/13 12:55 by elimoore