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Galois Group Tutoring Fundraiser

Saturday, Dec 7th and Sunday, Dec 8th in the Mathematical Sciences Building (MSB)

Organizing committee:Peyton Wood


The Galois Group tutoring fundraiser is a quarterly event offering tutoring help in calculus courses. Much in the spirit of Calculus Room, we provide practice final exam questions and answer questions that you may have as you prepare for your final exams. You may come and try these practice questions, clarify doubts, ask for explanations and study together with your peers. Entry ticket fee is $10 per day.

Tutoring Help Offered

We support Pre-Calc and Calculus tutoring, specifically in the following courses:

MAT 12
MAT 16B, MAT 16C
MAT 17A, MAT 17B, MAT 17C
MAT 19A MAT 21A, MAT 21B, MAT 21C, MAT 21D

Tutoring for MAT 22A, 22B, 108, 115A, 127ABC, 128A, 135A, 145, 147, 150A, 167, 185A will be offered separately.

Individual Class Review Sessions

Class Volunteer Tutor Time and Place
MAT 22A - Linear Algebra Brian Knight MSB 1147 2-4pm Monday, December 9
MAT 22B - Diff EQ Michael Lewis MSB 1147 3-5pm Tuesday, December 10
MAT 108 - Intro to Proof Peyton Wood MSB 1147 10am-1pm Wednesday, December 11
MAT 115A - Number Theory Jake Quinn MSB 3106 6-8pm Sunday, December 8
MAT 127A - Analysis Michael Lewis MSB 2112 6-8pm Saturday, December 7
MAT 127C - Analysis Peyton Wood MSB 2112 4-6pm Tuesday, December 10
MAT 135A - Probability Peyton Wood MSB 1147 6:30-8:30pm Tuesday, December 10
MAT 145 - Combinatorics Aidan Epperly MSB 3106 6-8pm Tuesday, December 10
MAT 147 - Topology Annette Bellman MSB 2112 1-4pm Tuesday, December 10
MAT 150A - Algebra Ally Nagasawa-Hinck MSB 2112 6-8pm Sunday, December 8
MAT 167 - Applied Linear Algebra Aidan Epperly MSB 2112 7-9pm Monday, December 9

Students: Why Donate?

Private tutoring, especially just before the final exams can be rather costly. We seek to provide reliable tutoring services at a more affordable rate, while providing sufficient space and arranging the logistics and human resources to do so, at your convenience. Some of these services does incur costs which we hope to cover. Furthermore, the TAs who sign up to help out are doing so outside of their usual working hours for each day of the tutoring event, so donating will help us fund our graduate group activities (see below) and maintain the continuity of future tutoring events.

TAs: Why Help?

The donations obtained from the fundraiser is used to provide social/travel funds, fund workshops, SIAM activities, dissertation writing group, Faculty Research Seminar series, purchase food for prelim exams/postlim parties, etc. Furthermore, your involvement will help reassure students as they prepare for their finals by strengthening their grasp of concepts. Snacks, coffee, tea, and lunch will be provided throughout each day of tutoring. If you are available and willing to help us out, stay tuned for our email updates and sign in on the Google Sheets provided.


Check out (fall24_galois_tutoring_fundraiser_flyer.docx_1_.pdf) for details of the fundraiser.

fundraiser.txt · Last modified: 2024/12/08 14:20 by ppwood