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This is an old revision of the document!
For Winter 2025, this seminar meets weekly on Wednesdays from 4-5:00pm in MSB 1147. The seminar is co-organized by Trevor Oliveira-Smith and Alex Simons. If you have any questions you can reach out via email at tdoliveirasmith@ucdavis.edu and asimons@ucdavis.edu
For the purposes of advertising the talks each week and sending out general information about topology/geometry at Davis, we will use the following listserv: geotopgrads@ucdavis.edu. You can email asimons@ucdavis.edu if you would like to be added to this listserv, or you can go to lists.ucdavis.edu and search "geotopgrads" to manually add yourself.
The purpose is to encourage students studying geometry/topology and related areas to engage in beneficial interactions and increase knowledge of important and basic ideas in topology and geometry, in addition to learning about currently active areas of investigation.
Talks will conceivably cover a broad spectrum, but in general, we envision not-too-technical talks emphasizing ideas. Talks are by students for students, but everyone is welcome. We also encourage speakers to take 2-3 seminars to delve into a topic in depth.
If you would like to give a talk, but on a very introductory level, you may want to consider the pure/applied grad seminar. That seminar has a general audience, while the audience for this seminar can be assumed to have familiarity with some algebraic topology and manifold theory. Practice qualifying exam talks are typically given in the pure/applied grad seminar.
If you would like to give a talk, please email the seminar organizers (see Logistics above). The tentative schedule is available here:
Jan 8: Tonie Scroggin: "Understanding geometric objects through a combinatorial lens, part 1"
Jan 22: Tonie Scroggin: "Understanding geometric objects through a combinatorial lens, part 2"
Jan 29: Tonie Scroggin: "Understanding geometric objects through a combinatorial lens, part 3"
Feb 5: Ian Sullivan: "Exotically knotted surfaces and their stabilizations through skein lasagna modules", part 1
Feb 12: Ian Sullivan: "Exotically knotted surfaces and their stabilizations through skein lasagna modules", part 2
Feb 19: Peyton Wood
Mar 5: Ella Curtis
Mar 12: Zach Ibarra
Anybody is welcome to talk about mathematics related to topology. If you would like to talk about something but don't have a topic, here are some suggestions.
The list below may be helpful in your search for a topic. Some items are specific talk ideas while others are keywords to look up and investigate, e.g. using MathSciNet. There are varying levels of expected difficulty, although each topic can really be taken in deep directions. Please email the organizers with any suggestions for this list.
For the more intrepid, you can find topics by looking through the arXiv using categories. Relevant categories include: Geometric Topology | Algebraic Topology | Differential Geometry | Group Theory. These categories will show you the most recent submissions so you can see what people are working on.
In addition, you can ask more experienced students and learn what they find interesting. The organizers are also happy to lend a hand in preparing a talk.
Sept 27: Trevor Oliveira-Smith "Knots in 3-manifolds"
Oct 2: Trevor Oliveira-Smith "Knots, 3-manifolds, and 4-manifolds"
Oct 9: Bryce Thompson "Introduction to symplectic manifolds"
Oct 16: no seminar (conflicts with department Fall Welcome Event)
Oct 23: Daniela Cortes Rodriguez "Introduction to Weinstein Structures"
Oct 30: Zach Ibarra "Gromov-Witten Invariants, part i"
Nov 6: Zach Ibarra "Gromov-Witten Invariants, part ii"
Nov 13: Alex Simons "Introduction to contact topology"
Nov 20: Alex Simons "Legendrian knot theory"
Nov 27: no seminar (early Thanksgiving break)
Dec 4: Annette Belleman "Cubical Homotopy Theory"