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QUALS PREP WORKSHOP (sponsored by the Galois Group)

[Day of Week], [Exact Date in “Month, Day Year” Format“]

[Time] in [Location]

This workshop will be of interest to anyone who has not yet passed their Qualifying Exam. First year students are especially encouraged to attend.

Schedule: [Start Time]-[End Time] GGAM and GPC Student Reps: handouts, basic Quals info [Start Time]-[End Time] Perry Gee will discuss staff support for students [Start Time]-[End Time] Pure Math and GGAM faculty will discuss their view on the qualifying exam and will happily address all student questions

Come hear the GGAM and GPC Graduate Student Representatives discuss the purpose of the exam with specific advice regarding studying, scheduling, and stress management.

Come hear the Student Advising Assistant, Perry Gee, discuss his role in assisting students with the administrative elements involved.

Come hear GGAM and Math Dept faculty members share useful advice on everything from choosing a committee to writing an exam syllabus.

Light Refreshments Provided.

quals_prep_announcement_email.1455478093.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/02/14 11:28 by asaenz