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Getting your Master's Degree

If you are in the PhD program, you will automatically fulfill all requirements for a Master's degree in the course of your PhD work! This page exists to tell you how to actually get this degree once you've fulfilled all requirements.

Requirements for your Master's Degree

Updated requirements can be found at this math department webpage. Note that the “comprehensive exam” is the same as the PhD prelim exams. In the unusual case that you need a Master's degree (e.g. for a summer job) but did not pass your prelims, you should talk to the current graduate program chair. There is a “Master's pass” that is lower score than the PhD pass for prelim exams.

Also note that most students finish all requirements by the end of their second year in the PhD program, since the requirements include fewer courses than the PhD course requirement.

Why get your Master's Degree?

Here are a few reasons to go through the work to get your degree:

  • You've earned it!
  • Some summer jobs/internships pay you more money if you have a graduate degree
  • If you're considering leaving the program, make sure you leave with a degree and not empty-handed

How to File the Paperwork

You can find all information about the filing process in this pdf

Cheers! Enjoy your graduate degree!!

mastersdegree.1718131402.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/06/11 11:43 by asimons