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findadvisor [2018/02/17 10:51]
findadvisor [2024/06/11 12:03] (current)
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-====== Finding an Advisor ​or what to do after your Prelims ​======+====== Finding an Advisor ======
-After your Prelims you should already know what area of research you want to work in. 
-Usually that revelation comes after taking a class you really enjoyed. 
-  * Taking 280 classes is good way to explore the research ​areas you could be interested in. +Perhaps you came to Davis with specific adviser in mind. It's entirely reasonable ​to reach out to that person now, //even if you don't have time for a research ​project// yet. They might have a working group you could attend, or they might be interested in meeting and talking anywayGetting to know themtheir research interests, and their research style is still useful.
-  * If none of the classes caught your interestattend the seminars or check the papers on faculty websites or ask senior PhD students for advice.+
-The standard procedure then is to approach the instructor of the class (or other faculty member working ​in the same area) and ask for a reading course ​on a topic that you're both interested in.+Perhaps you came to Davis without a specific adviser ​in mind. That's common ​and fine. Here are some ideas on finding one.
-  * Reading courses usually count for 1-2 academic units (3 if the faculty member feels generous). +===== The Faculty =====
-  * It's a good idea to form a group with your friends to do the reading course together. +
-  * Don't hesitate to approach any faculty member. Teaching you and helping you on the research path is one of the reasons they took the faculty position. ​+
-After a quarter or two of reading courses you should be able to tell if the faculty ​member fits your research interests and work ethic.+Students in the applied math program (GGAM) are usually advised by GGAM faculty. ​Students in the math program (GMAT) are usually advised by faculty members of the math department. There'​s overlap between these two groups. Here are some relevant directories:​
-  * Faculty members have different work ethiccan give you all the research problems or let you find your own problems, can be too personal or too professional,​ can give you too much feedback (negative or positive) or not give you feedback at allAll this counts when trying to find an appropriate advisorFind a person you would be comfortable working with, otherwise the stress would hurt you in the long run+  * **[[http://​​people|GGAM Faculty]]**
-  * Go to <a href=https://​​grad/thesis_adviser/>List of Advisors<​/a> to find senior PhD students working with the professorThey would be happy to talk about their advisor in detail.+  * **[[https://​​people/faculty/|GMAT Faculty]]**,​ listed here by **[[​research/​|Research Area]]**.
-Together with your to-be advisoryou pick an open problem ​you want to work on, and that problem becomes the basis of your Qualifying Exam+In Fall 2023, the Graduate Program Committee sent out a list of all math faculty and their availability for students, which you can find {{math_faculty_graduate_advising_fall_2023.pdf | here}}. Note that this is just for pure math students, and does not cover all of the applied math faculty. 
-That'​s ​why you **must** pick an advisor ​at least 6 months before your Qual, meaning ​you start taking ​reading courses ​a year before the Qual.+ 
 +===== Learning More ===== 
 +Many faculty maintain departmental websites. Many have little research bios on their directory page. Here are some other sources of information:​ 
 +==== Various Databases ==== 
 +  * **[[https://​​awardsearch/​advancedSearch.jsp|The NSF Awards Database]]**. These awards usually have abstracts aimed at a general mathematical audience, which can be very useful and interesting. Not everyone applies for NSF awards, so don't panic if you look up your potential adviser and find none. If they do have a grant, it's absolutely no guarantee that they'​ll have funding for graduate students. 
 +  * **[[https://​​search/?​query=LastName,​%20FirstName|arXiv]]**. Even if parsing the titles/​abstracts of their publications is a bigger project than makes sense, this publication list can still be useful. arXiv papers are tagged according ​to broad mathematical topics. (e.g. Algebraic Geometry, Mathematical Physics.) Some papers also have their [[https://​​msc/​msc2010.html|MSC Classes]] listed. 
 +  * **[[https://​​mathscinet/​index.html|MathSciNet]]**. This database tracks which areas someone tends to publish in (with a nice word-cloudeven) and who they tend to collaborate with. It is behind ​an AMS-membership paywall, but you should be able to access it when connected to eduroam or on the [[https://​​service/​connect-from-off-campus/​|library VPN]]. 
 +==== Their Other Students ==== 
 +Sometimes it's good to talk to other people. Here are some ways of finding a faculty members other studentscurrent ​and past: 
 +  * **[[https://​​grad/​degrees_award/​|GMAT/​GGAM Degrees Awarded]]** and **[[http://​​graduate/​degrees_award|GGAM Degrees Awarded]]**. These lists overlap. 
 +  * **[[https://​​grad/​thesis_adviser/​|GMAT/​GGAM Thesis Advisers]]** and **[[http://​​graduate/​thesis_adviser|GGAM Thesis Advisers]]**. These lists include only students who have passed their qualifying exam. 
 +  * **[[https://​​wiki/​Special:​Random|Ex-Students]]**. It could be useful to talk to their //​ex-students//​ who either dropped out or switched advisers. Folks drop out and/or change advisers for all sorts of reasons - not all of them bad. As far as this wiki-editor knows, there is no published list of such students. Your best bet would be to ask around
 +==== Talks & Courses ==== 
 +  * **[[https://​​research/​seminars/?​type=30|The Faculty Research Seminar]]** features introductory talks by our own faculty. It was organized with the intent to help graduate students find potential advisers. It'​s ​also just a nice seminar to attend. 
 +  ​* **[[https://​​courses/​syllabi/​special-topics/​|Special Topics Courses]]**. These are offered ​at a relatively low rate - one each of MAT 180 and MAT 280 each quarter. Even if there isn't an opportunity to take one with a faculty member ​you're interested in working with, the old course list is a good source of information. 
 +  * **Reading Courses**. These come in three flavors - MAT 298/​299/​299D. The first is for group reading courses, the second for individual study, and the third for dissertation research. To register for one of these, //talk to the faculty// about what the course woulld be on, and how many units it'd be for. Then fill out the relevant form in the department office. It's common to take at least one MAT 299 with your potential adviser ​before ​going into the qualifying exam 
 +===== Misc =====
 Here is what the graduate council has to say about the advisee/​advisor relationship:​ {{::​mentoring.pdf|Mentoring Guidelines}} Here is what the graduate council has to say about the advisee/​advisor relationship:​ {{::​mentoring.pdf|Mentoring Guidelines}}
findadvisor.1518893460.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/02/17 10:51 by kirill